Darkglass Sojourners

Hello I am Huy “Sevens” Do, creator of Darkglass Sojourner, an upcoming anime AF transhumanist sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game that focuses on adventure, exploration, and the discovery of self in the universe.

Interested in the beta release? Click here for the Itch IO Page!

Or our Drive Thru RPG page!

Check out this discord link if you want to get involved with the community!

Check out the Art Gallery for cool art!

Check out our ko-fi, patreon, or socials and support us if you want to see more of Darkglass Sojourners!

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days, on the earth are a shadow, and there is none abiding.

— Chronicles

  • Trust me it'll be great.

    – The Creator of Darkglass Sojourners

  • I imagine the gameplay will be incredible.

    – [insert famous celebrity who wants to be a part of this here ;)]

  • This is the best thing I've ever head of that doesn't exist yet.

    – Pirate Gonzalez Games

  • The best tabletop roleplaying game involving darkglass and sojourners in it's title ever!

    – Definitely not a biased friend of mine